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The Restoration of Personal Responsibility, by Tim Martens
The Book of Micah reveals to us that when Jesus returns to earth to reign, everyone will sit under his own vine and his own fig tree. Inherent in having your own property and produce is the need for personal responsibility.
Presented by Tim Martens, March 1, 2025, at United Church of God in Northwest Arkansas.
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Do Past Hurts Still Make You Angry?, by Kelly Irvin
How should a Christian respond to ongoing, discouraging grief and suffering imposed by others?
Presented by Kelly Irvin, March 1, 2025, at United Church of God in Northwest Arkansas.
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Heresy, by Lynn Leiby
In Galatians 5, we're given a list of undesirable qualities called "the works of the flesh". Many of those attributes such as murder and adultery are rather obvious. But there's one attribute called heresy. What does it mean to be involved in heresy? Let's examine the New Testament passages that use this word.
Presented by Lynn Leiby, February 22, 2025, at United Church of God in Northwest Arkansas.
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Whose Side Are You On?, by Lupe Gonzalez
As humans, it is in our nature to connect more easily with those who share our beliefs and perspectives. Scripture emphasizes that true and lasting peace and order can only be achieved through God's intervention and authority, transcending human efforts and institutions. Following those in politics divides and only a world led by the one true God can it work. Getting so worked up over who is in office takes our eyes off the goal … the bigger picture of what is coming to this earth. We must cling to the word of God and not choose a worldly side, political party or side but rather be on the only winning side – God’s side.
Presented by Lupe Gonzalez, February 22, 2025, at United Church of God in Northwest Arkansas.
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Individual Responsibility or Clinging to Victimhood, by Tim Martens
Any addiction is difficult to overcome, but the same process for overcoming addiction can be used to overcome a victim mentality.
Presented by Tim Martens, February 15, 2025, at United Church of God in Northwest Arkansas.
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Laughing Matters, by Roy Jackson
God has given mankind the gift of laughter.
Presented by Roy Jackson, February 15, 2025, at United Church of God in Northwest Arkansas.
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Action Brings Hope, by Tim Martens
Hope is granted when we take action.
Presented by Tim Martens, February 1, 2025, at United Church of God in Northwest Arkansas.
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How to Sound Christian, by Greg Sanny
Being a Christian is more than simply acknowledging Christ Jesus.
Presented by Greg Sanny, February 1, 2025, at United Church of God in Northwest Arkansas.
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Is the Holy Spirit a Person?, by Jim Moody
This message focuses on the pros and cons on the divinity of the Holy Spirit. Is the Holy Spirit a person? Is he the third being in the Godhead, or is it something else?
Presented by Jim Moody, January 25, 2025, at United Church of God in Northwest Arkansas.
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Is God a Trinity? The Trinity is one of mainstream Christianity’s most widely accepted and revered doctrines. The belief that God is three persons coexisting in one being or substance, as the doctrine is often defined, is held by millions of Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox believers alike. What is the truth?

Growing in Spiritual Maturity, by Dan Apartian
A key lesson from nature is that all things God has made are intended to grow. A farmer who plants seed does so in expectation of a harvest. When you buy a puppy, you expect it to grow into a full-sized dog. All living things grow! This same pattern extends to what God is creating spiritually, but there are some key differences. Physical growth often tends to happen by default - but spiritual growth does not happen by default, it happens by choice. This pattern of daily spiritual growth through choices is what God requires and expects from us.
Presented by Dan Apartian, January 18, 2025, at United Church of God in Northwest Arkansas.
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Doubting Thomas, by Tim Martens
Regularly characterized as doubting Thomas, was Didymus really suffering from doubt, or was he practicing something Christians are encouraged to practice?
Presented by Tim Martens, January 18, 2025, at United Church of God in Northwest Arkansas.
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Faith Full Circle, by Kelly Irvin
The theme for this year's UYC camps is, "Calling, Honor, & Faith". What do these terms mean, how to they apply to you and me, and how should they carry over to our children?

Characteristics of Good People, by Tim Martens
Provided are several qualities provided in the Bible to define people who practice good behavior.
Presented by Tim Martens, January 4, 2025, at United Church of God in Northwest Arkansas.
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Patient Endurance, by Dan Apartian
The Bible describes the Greek word hupomone as a critical key to a person being resurrected into the Kingdom of God. It is read in the Bible as patience, endurance or perseverance. The meaning of this word is much more than a grim resignation or a passive "grin and bear it" attitude, but rather a triumphant facing of difficult circumstances. This message explains this powerful word and how it closely links to faith, hope, and love. It helps us endure to the end by conquering our trials and life challenges.
Presented by Dan Apartian, December 21, 2024, at United Church of God in Northwest Arkansas.
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Lessons from Jabez, by David Cook
It's not wrong to ask for things intended to use for the glorification of God.
Presented by David Cook, December 21, 2024, at United Church of God in Northwest Arkansas.
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